George Harter

Product Management Insights

About George

George Harter is an expert product leader, trainer, speaker and author who has led products and teams for companies from venture-backed startups to Fortune 500 firms.

He has managed products through the entire lifecycle, from concept through growth, and retirement, supporting thousands of client companies.

His product lines have crossed industries and markets. Customers have spanned the globe with products in more than a dozen languages.


Train your team to understand customers and make better product decisions.

As a Trainer,

George delivers his most important learnings and teaches the techniques needed to build both great products and great product managers. Hands on activities with your own customers drive home these lessons.

Speaking Topics

For product managers:
How to be right about the next most important feature.

For executives:
How you can trust your product managers to make informed feature decisions?

The Book

Build a Better
Product Manager

describes what gives a PM credibility with executives, salespeople, the team and customers, making everyone’s lives easier.

Your product's users can describe their pains, but not the cures. It's up to your team to create the best solutions.

Latest Product Management Tips

Reach out anytime

Click the button at right to contact George about speaking, training or other consulting services to help guide and improve your product team.