George Harter

Product Management Insights

The Book

Build a Better Product Manager

The role of product manager can be challenging and fulfilling or frustrating and boring. The difference is whether or not you are an expert on your customers and users.

Do you know them? Do you know their likes and dislikes as well as you know those of your best friends?

If you are not the expert on your product’s users, then what unique value do you provide?

Build a Better Product Manager is a guide to the critical tasks that you, as a product manager, must perform to really understand the people using your product. It focuses heavily on the knowledge and steps required to be good at the one, most important, function of a product manager – to select the right features for your products.

The goal of this book is to help product managers better understand users and customers, and make better feature decisions.

Your electronic or printed copy of the book includes a variety of presentation and communication examples.

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